Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Some of my problems with drawing ๐ŸŒŸ

 Basic Human Shapes        A lot of the time when you are starting out with art, it's not easy. There's so many different steps to learn. You need to draw basic shapes, draw those shapes at different angles, color theory etc. Then there's drawing a human body. When drawing a human, it's essentially the same thing except you are taking those basic shapes and morphing them a little bit to resemble a human body part.

        Example, when drawing the human body, it's really just a series of cylinders, circles, and cubes/squares. Once you get the basic shapes down, you just add more details, which is essentially just adding curvy or straight lines! Or at least that's the simple way of saying it. Quick tip, if you want to get started with drawing, don't draw anime characters first. Don't get me wrong, it's a good way to get your feet wet with drawing. When I started drawing I mainly drew the Power Puff Girls and other cartoon characters.
        However, this isn't a great way to start. You may want to start out learning the fundamentals such as human anatomy and general realism. Once you get the basics and fundamentals down, it would be easier to skew around the proportions and draw as many cartoony or anime-styled things you want! You would also learn how to stay on-model so your character's don't look off.

        With that being said, I can't draw men to save my life. I've always had fun with drawing women. To me they were more fun to draw because of all the fun curves and clothes you can dress your character up in. When I draw guys, it's usually a very basic frame/figure and there's really only a couple things that guys can wear. 

        Especially considering doll characters (Which were always a treat for me to see when I was younger!) There was just so many different variations of things to give the female characters! One example is Monster High characters or Novi Stars characters.
Monster High Ghouls by FigyaLovaRelated image

        If you've seen my Deviant Art, it's really just female characters I have on there, with the exception of a couple cartoon characters I'm already familiar with like Cosmo or Steven Universe and some OCs.
I'll get better however. I will achieve my dream of creating a comic! My only problem is though, should it be printed, or should it be a web comic? ๐Ÿค” Maybe I'll address that in another blog post!

Thanks for reading everyone! ✨

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